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Listen to Youtube - convert, download and backup your online videos for offline access during downtime
Type something in the box for Youtube video search with smart localized suggestions.
If you have video URL, you can copy it, then submit into this form.
Try top 30 most popular music videos.
It is easy to download Youtube videos to your laptop or desktop, even mobile device like smartphone, using Listen-to-Youtube online converter and app. Simply copy video URL from wherever you found it, usually these days there will be a social Share button, which in turn allows to Copy Link, or similar. You can alternatively copy browser address bar data if you're on desktop or not using any apps for Youtube access. So with that URL come here, send it into the form in page head, and hit Download button. It's easy, it's rewarding, it helps you download videos from Youtube having converted them to one of the many possible media formats we support. Very nice, easy to use website, check it out.
Select Dropbox or any other cloud account to send converter file directly there.
Listen to Youtube is the simple concept, no special technical knowledge required.
Convert Youtube videos to one of several supported audio and video container formats.
No limits, no restrictions, convert and download online videos as much as you like.
We check for malicious redirects and nothing can sneak by our watchdogs and shields.
Our site works on all platforms, as long as you can open it in browser - it's a GO..
We also offer conversion by the playlist. If you have one and can copy its link to our form and hit Download - then we will return with the list of videos included, if found, and you will be able to convert those you want to MP4, MP3, etc and download them to your device for offline access later. We also support playlists from other sites, like Dailymotion, Soundcloud or Vimeo..
Add to Home Screen
Click here to install the web-app, it's official app, it works exactly the same way this website does, it even uses your favorite Internet browser like Chrome, Safari or Firefox. And the coolest thing is - once installed, it never needs updates.
Some call it shortcut, others - bookmarklet, we say it's a simple bookmark with a little twist. When pressed, it copies the page URL you were on, then sends you here equiped with that URL, so you don't need to Copy and then Paste URL address.